Sunday, August 23, 2009

Friendship lol

According to I have 113 friends, 7 less than average. 75% are male, 25% are female. 40 are single, 41 are dating or married. If I contracted a deadly variant of flu, I would likely infect 9 people, 1 of whom would die. When I share something on Facebook, it is typically viewed by 15 people. If I died today, an estimated 356 people would try to attend my funeral. Based on my Facebook profile, I have a 89% probability of getting married. I am likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.1 children over my lifetime. Calculate your own stats at http://www.friendshipstats.

Well that's interesting. Why can't i just all that money now right? lol.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Polarity of things

Well during my physics class my teacher had a very good explanation with a coil and a magnet. When a approaches a magnet a coil it produces an induced current. Which depends which end of the magnet is in the lead will matter in the direction. This current will produce a magnetic field that opposes the magnet and pushes it back. When it's inside it doesn't produce any more current. As it leaves the other side it once again induces more current but it attracts the magnet back towards the coil. This is all do to Flux. Flux is equal to the change in the magnetic field. So as when its in the middle the field isn't changing. Because what's going out is coming back in so the net change is zero. But when it's leaving or entering the there is a change and coil opposes the change.
So the example she used to explain all of this is like how women are with men. When a man makes a move on a woman she's opposes it and is like get away. But once the girl likes him she doesn't want him to leave. She pulls back on him. Thus girls are coils and men are coils. All things may be explained through physics. Isn't it great!?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

How much snow is too much snow?

Way too much snow if you ask me. I mean it was my dream as a little kid to have this much snow. I always wanted it. But now that I'm older I want it to go away. Why won't it go away!? Well the snow is some good news. I mean our prayers from all those years ago are finally being answered. I mean we should have plenty of water for the rest of the summer. That is if it doesn't get too hot too soon or it will all just vanish. I remember my first winter when we moved to Utah. I was only 5. We had a big storm that winter. It was 2 feet of snow in one night. They canceled church even for it. Canceled school and everything. I mean what more could a child want right? I never saw them cancel school ever again after that. But that's alright I mean we do have a snow day anyways.
Isn't it great to have to go through all that snow to go to school!? Nope the worst thing in the world to get wet and have to sit through 5 hours of school like that. Just is terrible, I don't know why we have to pay to suffer like that. This snow has stayed around way to long. And there is twice as much snow by my house then down on campus. What is up with that? Isn't it great too to see the big puddles of water on campus that everyone marches through. Man my feet got all wet after that. Just imagine if it snows too much what are you going to shovel all the snow, it's not like we got plenty of room for it. Yeah snow is a pain when you get older. You love it while you'rea a kid. But now its not so great. Well I guess not if you're a skier or something like that. Oh well these are just some of my thoughts. If you want to knwo more just write me hehe. Laters