Have a lot of different circles of friends is something that is quite useful. All my freinds from my Caculus class can help me with math and stuff. My computer friends from my various computer classes help me with my video game cravings....lol and help me with my computer problems. MY friends from other places help me with all the other things. So when I have certain issues I know whom I need to contact. And they always know that they can contact me. But as we know as time goes along we all seem to either draw closer or farther apart. We can`t stay where we are. So we have to make an active choice to keep in contact or to not. This is when we learn who are our true friends. The ones that will stick with us through thick and thin. Life does has its twists and turns. Friends come and friends go, if you lose them there are more fish in the sea. There are a few other billion to choose from. Of course none of them are the same. Each is special in their own way. God has a plan for each of them and for you.
I remember one of my friend from being younger, we would do stuff all the time. We did so much stuff. Sleep out in his home-made fort, ride our bikes together, do scouting stuff, and I even did a front flips on my bike with him. The funnies thing I can remember that happened was that Drew got mad at him and threw a canning jar at his neck. Yeah I got pretty mad afterwards but that`s all in the past. Well after a few years he made away. I visited him every now and then. But as time went on we lost contact. Later I found out that he was into drugs and some other problems. I made me really sad to see my old friend in the situation. It makes me wonder if I was still his friend what would have happened. Maybe I could have helped him stay out of that stuff, or I could have been pulled into it. Who knows? I had anohter best friend, we went to Junior High together and always were together. We`d watch Dragon Ball Z at his house everyday and play together all day. We were the best of friends. As time went on we went to High School, I stopped seeing him, and he dropped out and he fell into drugs and some other things. Another I see this happen to. There was nothing that I could do.
Friends influence us for the good or for bad, that`s why our parents told us to be careful about our friends. I`m sure as you look back on your life you can see the influence of your friends that they had on you. They make you or break you. You`ll see the habits you picked up from them, the little quirks they have. Just remember imitation is must sincere for of flattery. ^_^
Yesterday we had a great suprise party for Owen`s birthday. I mean it was quite the suprise having your birthday party a day early. Greg his brother, I call him the Wookie, kept him busy as we got everything ready and they got there and suprise!. It was good stuff. I mean I`m not quite sure how Owen felt, but I`m sure he felt good. I wouldn`t know no one ever threw me a suprise party. Nor do I want them do, I`m afraid I`d wet myself, lol, jk. That`s what friends are for though.
The title of friend is has a different value changing from person to person. I hold people in high esteem if they are my friends. Like on Facebook all the people I have on there I really consider my friends, ok not all but most. It`s really to identify a best friend for me, because it seems I have so many. Well at least I don`t have a lack of them..lol.