Tuesday, April 04, 2006

School is almost OVER!

Winter semester is coming to a close here. Only 10 days of class left. Then finals for a week. YAY!!! With school being over though, that means I get to say good bye to everyone...:'( >_<. Well I'm sure we'll keep in contact for maybe a few weeks then it won't happen anymore. Except some special people. Which is usually like one person. And sometimes it's even more than that. Well I found finals week to the funest week in school. Cause some people, like me, don't really need to study for some classes, so we play instead. And that week is Savannah's B-Day is guess we'll need to plan something. And this time I need to remmeber to sell back my books^_^ We sure do have a lot of things left to do before this semester is over. Like hiking the Y and going places to eat. And even going to see Arsenic and Old Lace. Any more ideas just a post them cause that would help me remember them ty. I still can't believe that school is almost over. It still feels like it just started.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

There is a lot of stuff to do!!!