Monday, May 08, 2006

Mission Papers

Doing my mission paers has really gotten to start thinking. I'm about to go off somewhere a preach my heart out. It's just really an amazing thing. I mean there is other stuff I would like to do but I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Got the Dentist appointment over with. ^_^ Tomorrow my least favorite thing, a physical. >_< Well still a lot of things to do tough. I've started to hate paper work even before I have a job. I guess its just preparing me for one. I mean the Eagle Project paper work is easy. Its just annoying to everything signed and stuff. My mission is going to be great, I can just feel it. My brother calls us on Sunday, YAY!! That's definetly the best mother's day gift anyone can give.


Kelsey said...

Good luck with the physical and getting your mission papers in. Before you know it, you'll be leaving! Very exciting.

Owen said...

Exciting!! Tell me where you're going. Wasn't getting your wisdom teeth pulled out fun? I thought so. haha.