Friday, September 01, 2006

Pure Pwnage

A new month a new start. Well lately I've been finding myself saying words like noob and such a lot more. Ever since I've been watching Pure Pwnage. It's a really funny internet show about the gamer world. That's the best description I can give. There aren't really any words in the english language to desrcibe it. I would suggest everyone to watch, because it's really funny. It makes fun of gamers and stuff. Cause the main guy talks about everything as if it's a game. Like he uses words like imbal, and rush. So it's quite the laugh. If you're sensitive with things like cussing, humping actions, and spankings (all of which down to the air or a monitor) then you might not want to watch it. Or when people talk like gamers then you don't want to watch it. I would tell you about episodes but that would ruin it. I just say, go to and dl(download) the episodes and enjoy. One of my favorites is #2 it's about gamers and girls. Don't worry about some of the terms they use, they refer to things in Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. So you either play the game and understand or go what?

So be an uber-noob and not watch it, or you can be a pro and watch it. ROFL

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