Friday, June 02, 2006

Isn't winning great?

You to play something, and you come up against someone one who is supposedly better than you. You start to think, "Oh no, I'm going to get wasted." Then it turns out that you just totally kick their trash! Yeah after something like that you just feel sooo gooood. Well it might be just me, but I like to assume that everyone else feels the same way. Well I guess winning in general just makes you feel better. Even if the other people don't even stand a chance against you. But if you lose to those people you feel so bad. Cause you should have won but you didn't.

Losing is something that we all do sometime. Either in a game or some other competion. They saw you learn no lesson when you win, but a thousand when you lose. These lessons I have usually to be about me. What is important to me? The happiness of others or mine? Is this game really that important to me? Is winning all that I live for? Is competing something I enjoy? These are just some of the questions I've found losing answers. Losing can be in several different things. In school there is competion for getting the best grades and scholarships. Losing in school can be quite discouraging. But winning can be one of the greastest joys. Getting that A you worked for so hard is so rewarding. But some people are just naturally are good in school and so we all hate them for that. People can also lose in love, by falling out of it. It is said that, "It is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all." Love is something that is a precious gift that we are given. It brings so much happiness into life. But when you lose it there is an empty void in your life. A hole that needs filling. But nothing can replace it. But even greater love can repair the whole though. The love of a loving God. He'll help you fix your problem.

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