Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Movies in 3-D

So when you put two pair of glasses on do you see in 6-D or 4-D? I saw Monster House in 3-D today, was really cool. It's the same movie, just in 3-D. But during the previews they told me to put on the glasses but I already had them on. Nightmare before Christmas, is coming out in 3-D in Octber, so that'll be cool to see, those of you who will be here still. But you do have to buy your glasses, for $1.50? I don't know exactly cause my dad covered that part. But they are pretty dorky looking. Big thick black frames. Well the lens aren't red and blue. Here just look at this pic.

They should have had me be the model, cause I make anything look good. I think they'll come out with new frames for each new movie, that is if 3-D comes back. Cause they really do some cool things in that movie with the 3-D. You can tell some things aren't really 3-D cause it is just an optical illusion. Thank goodness that our minds think too much sometimes. But it's bad sometimes too with certain things.

Yes I did get a haircut, I got it at Fantastic Sams. I think I lost about 5 pounds from doing that. It's for some more passport pictures for my visa. And even before I go to Brazil, I'll need another haricut. I'm sure the people who'll give me them will love me, cause my hair grows way too fast.

Not much else happening here other than that. Still doing the same old, same old. See you next time, here in my lil world.

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