Sunday, August 06, 2006

Cousins, cute little ones

Well my aunt , uncle, and cousins came over this weekend. My uncle Kevin, a profeesor at Gonzaga, Aunt Chirstine, Ian , and Miles, they're 5. They came all the way from Spokane Washington. They got here around 11:30 pm, having left around 9. So they had a long trip and went to bed. The next day the twins woke up and played so me Super Smash Bros. with us.Drew, Miles and Ian. So next we went up the road from us to go up Dry Canyon. It was a good hike.
Family Photo
View of Mt. Timpanogos Temple
View of my house, the brown one.
And a darling picture of my Cousins.

While on the trip, we saw a Diamondback, a rattlesnake. We also saw a gardener. We saw plenty of flies and bees. It was a really fun thing to do. My arms still hurt from carrying Miles a far way, cause he was hungry, and really didn't want to walk. But eventually he wanted to walk cause his brother was. Well after that we went and had Tommy's Burger. Where they have Vienna Dogs, from Chicago. Which reminded me of Owen. But it was really good, and I had Cherry Coke which reminded me of James. Whom I get to see in like 2 weeks. Then we went home and played some Mario Kart. Later we went and had some La Careta. Well that's about it we did with them. So that's been my yesterday.

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